Answering my own question

Plan of Action
I will be attending classes with 1st and 2nd year medical school students. Then I will be observing both residents and practicing physicians for last half of January. Periodically I will write about my experiences in this blog. I also hope to interview med school students, residents, and practicing physicians to get more in depth idea of how each phase (med school, residency, practicing physician) is like.

Monday, January 10, 2011

DePauw Alumni Love--Jennifer McPeak-Bailey ('09)

--As a DePauw alummus, how has your education from DePauw helped you in medical school? Did it adequately prepare you for the challenges of med school courses?
I definitely know that my DePauw education helped me immensely for my medical school career. Having taken anatomy and physiology at DePauw, I was already familiar with many of the terms used by professors during class.  DePauw instilled a strong work ethic and commitment to academics that has continued for me in medical school.
--If you could go back to DePauw, what would you say to pre-med students?
I would encourage them to keep studying hard and taking the classes they need for medical school. Also enjoy DePauw and the unique community found there. The dynamic in med school is good, but very different. There is less time to bond with peers outside the classroom. Take advantage of the clubs and intramural opportunities while you have more time!
DePauw, what improvements/changes do you think are needed in DePauw’s pre-med “program” and how can faculty  and students help to start making these changes? Are there changes even necessary?
I think the pre-med curriculum worked great for me. Maybe there could be a web page, if there already is not, discussing the courses necessary for medical school and application timelines spelled out simply. But this might already be in place…
--You went straight from college into medical school, do you believe this was a good decision or do you wish that you could have taken a year off?
This was a great decision for me. It allowed me to keep my academic momentum going strong! But I know several people who did other things in between, and they are doing great, as well.
--What has been the biggest social and/or academic change from DePauw to IUSM for you so far?
I would say there are less opportunities and less time to bond with classmates outside of the classroom. At DePauw, there always seemed to be an event or club or fellowship time to interact with peers. Med school is more solitary once you leave the classroom. Much time is spent with the books. But if you manage your time wisely, there is room for friends and family. You just have to be smart about it.
--Was  all of the effort you put into getting into IUSM worth it? Was it all you imagined it to be? Any surprises?
So far, it has been a positive experience. It is a lot of work, but I know it will be worth it in the end when I can help patients. I can’t wait!

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